My Dream

My dream is to loiter around in empty field like this one. It always hits me spiritually on empty fields and emptiness like this. Today one of the influencers @saraemily I'm following shared about spiritual. A lot of people mistaken it as a religious or related to God, but it's not. I agreed with her that it's something that connects to the higher self. A sense of there is something more than what you see in front of you. Something higher that is deep inside you. That's spiritual. And she and her partner connects in many ways spiritually, good for her. She felt spiritually touched also when she was at niagara fall and in front of the great mother nature. I feel that so much too when I was in nature. When I was in Ijen, when I was in Bromo, when I was hiking in bukit tabur, when I was in Iceland, when I was in empty grass field in UK. I could look at these countryside pics all day night long and just imagining lives that I would wish to live. But since I...