Weekends しゅまつ

It has been weeks now that I have been having a same kind of weekend routine. This weekend routine makes me feel recharged and good.

To my surprise, I have been starting to look forward towards weekend as every week, I look forward to try out a new baking recipe. To be honest I am still very2 new to baking, and so far I have been trying those really simple and easy foolproof recipes as to hope I won't be getting discouraged on this early journey. 
So far my journey has not been very smooth one, but it didn't discourage me from trying I guess. I am still very intrigued and interested in baking as it makes me feel amazed with what we can do and produce with our own hands.. and it also does give me a sense of achievement as baking is something far beyond my imagination that I would be liking to do and able to do. It makes me feel empowered with my own hands, that I could create something beyond what I thought I could. And also to remind myself that I could do or create anything, as long as I put my heart on it. So philosophical lol. Besides that baking also puts me in a very relaxed state, as I enjoy putting those raw ingredients into some finished products that can be shared by everyone. I guess I would say that its my newly developed hobby.
Well, if you know me, or as much as I know myself, when all those advices are centering around having a hobby and perfecting it, I always ask myself what my hobby is. The closest I could think of are playing games, watching TV shows, surfing the net... but you realised these doesn't really something that you are actively doing and getting better at those. So I would consider myself as someone who doesn't really have a hobby, until recently I would really proud and happy to say that I love baking.

When it comes how to bake, YouTube is my best friend and thanks to many YouTubers who diligently post their video tutorials. They make it looks so simple to bake a cake and also it is easy to follow their step by step. As I really love having cakes and tea times and all these, the idea of baking my own snacks and high tea makes me feel good. But ongoing snacking each week I believe has put me on weight too, and now I will need signing myself on those bootcamp classes.

One thing that I felt that may not be as ideal is that I have a low standard of how the cake turns out. As long as it's edible, tastes good, tastes normal, I consider myself as a success. So it's really a long way to rise my own standard so I can challenge myself in perfecting this craft.

I also thought of in my wildest imagination that maybe I could sell some of my baked goods. Maybe not to everyone but to people in my condo. Sell them cheap so I can practice more haha and people won't get so angry if my cake not tastes as nice. Howevrr now I probably can only have burnt cheesecake and butter cake in my menu. Look forward to learn more stuffs and improvise my baking skills! Something that I truly feel joy from 😊

So weekend consists of my favourite activities now, starting Saturday strong with bootcamp class, come back home to put clothes into washing machine, shower and get ready for brunch, plan for what to bake and go to our neighbourhood bakery shop and shop for some raw products, have my brunch and come back home to bake, do housework like vacuuming and mopping, and watching my favourite TV show Games of Thrones. If I have some time  I may revise a bit on my japanese language. What a description of a perfect weekend to me. I have grown to so comfortable doing these stuffs, compared to previously, where I wake up at about 1pm and have brunch after that, come back home and play mlbb and play my weekend away. I couldn't recall what else I was doing previously. But buying a TV box also made me watch more TV shows and movies and YouTube videos compared to previously, guess I'm fitting in the definition of a potato couch now. Guess it's gonna stay like this until I find something better to do?  My vision and aim is really to bake something nice and beautiful in future for every occasion that I could ever have. But since those pro looking cakes always include decorating as part of it, I may not excel but to copy exactly what the youtubers are doing to their cake.

I guess we will get there! I am just so glad that I picked up this hobby and also signed up for the bootcamp class to start my weekend right. All these making me feel more positive than every and finally I'm proud of myself getting away a bit from work only mode and enjoying my work life balance as ideally as it could be. There are so much more things I could do with my time, just hope that I could be better at something from time to time.


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