Productive @ Lockdown

Man I have to pick myself up!!!
I had been depressed for about 2 weeks and have not been doing anything about it. 

Mco 2.0 is ongoing now, I pray hard we will not go back to the situation where we will get pay cut again.

I mentioned I had been depressed, why? Reason being I have been having this growing sense of purposeless day in day out in my life for the last 3 weeks. Mco has been killing my productivity and everyday is going by with a little disorganized on my tasks and to do list. Like I have been jumping from this thing to that thing randomly, aimlessly, purposelessly, not having that sense of achievement from work.

Flight isn’t having that much movement, that’s explains the low activity in managing my flights. Have been trying to see any chance I could enhance my report but seeing myself keep on adjusting the formatting of a report I created makes me feel extremely dissatisfied. 

I no longer chase for those minimal revenue from flights during this Mco. Previously I take extreme pride from able to yield from the limited flights by proposing additional capacity. But the risk of losing money is also there to bear. My thought and experience told me why not just leave it and we only focus on yielding when it’s the time - which is when travel restrictions lifted.

I think I kind of know where the sense of purposeless and demotivated come from.. what I had been emphasizing last Mco and last year, to me currently, it seems all not so important anymore. I’m not too sure if experience taught me to be smarter in making decisions, or that I don’t care anymore? I hope it’s not the latter cos that makes me feel really low day in day out as work occupying me most of my time.

Posting this post late night is also to give myself to clear my thoughts as I think I cannot let this time just pass by like that. Easily googled up productive things to do during lockdown, found some and resteered my mind, every night I hope that I could use some time to learn something or pick something up during this free time to upskill myself.

I seriously need to set some short goals, get a hobby. Baking was a good start to create something out from my hand. It’s the process that matters. These skills follow us wherever we go. And I’m still happy that I’m still spending some time on my language learning, otherwise I think may go even crazier without picking up anything during these times.

This Pandemic has really changed a lot of things. 2020 is really a year that I didn’t realize it’s absolutely as what people say as “being cancelled”. Waiting for the old normal to be back is tiring and just started to realize how much I should fully utilize this new normal.

It’s almost a year I have not been seeing some of my colleagues in the office since March last year, given that we were having team a and b on rotational basis even after we went back to office to work. Can’t imagine those who were still working from home. Just happen to realize that things are not going to be as what I thought, that “we will be back to normal when time comes”. Vaccine is coming, I really think I shouldn’t be wasting time thinking hey, I’m just going to do this tomorrow or next week. We shouldn’t be wasting another lockdown.

To be honest, this kind of situation changed some of my habits. 
- I had never thought of baking but I did it - even not very fanciful stuffs that I have made but I felt a sense of achievements when it comes to this. A skill unlocked
- I had never watched drama all these years even since I started working, and pre mco. And here I am, happily enjoying my tv box purchase and togetherness with my family when watching it.
- I started to buy shares in last November. Was a rewarding journey so far following some shares on my watch list. Definitely can polish my skills but I would need some more capital to put more money into the share market.
- I have also started on researching other investment stuffs such as P2P lending platform like fundasztic and funding society. Good return on investment if you invest a fixed sum of money to be auto invested. I have withdrawn all my funds so far though as I had just invested really small sum of money and the return is not worth me tying up those cash in it as I still need to work more on my savings. But it is a good platform.
- The previous point led me to put money in StashAway as well. Journey has been great so far and I felt productive back then researching about this platform! I’m auto depositing a small sum of money every month now and hope it is piling up slow and steadily. 

Overall, I'm feeling more grateful now after writing it all out with MCO 2.0. :)


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