
Showing posts from 2018


Happy that my family members are all together spending time in a living room, all together, in a comfortable environment, and together.

Short Diaries

4/7/18 Feel like a labourerrrrr at points coming all the way here to work and doing robotic stuffs. But well, I am not too mind with being paid to be labourer. (and just realised myself being at the lowest level of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs) So here I am, trying to survive. 6/7/18 Fri Having been to 3 different companies at this point of time, it really opens my eyes on how different it could be the cultures between few companies. And I am so enjoying it here, and the feeling of gratitude is there when you came from a worse place. Sometimes making your new uncomfortable zone to be your comfort zone is a challenge but quite an achievement, too. I am striving to continue push myself for more difficult situation so that I learn to be more adaptable. ​And now I am trying to be generally a more positive person. Less complaints. Well, I may not be perfect though, but I am trying.

Glo Laser Center - Laser Facial Review

As mentioned in my previous post on how my face started to fill with oil seeds and acne and pimples, I have bought my voucher at Fave for RM188 - two sessions of laser with lip & neck treatment. Seems like a good deal for me as I have been wanting to try on Laser Facial for some time, after my forehead and face have been continuously developing acnes and pimples at an active rate as compared to before. So I have gotten this deal for only RM 45, after deducting my AirAsia BIG points as now they have partnership with Fave. I have never got to redeem flights using my points, so I was like okay, why not use it first at here, since I will not rely much on points to redeem flights in the future. So I was asked to only walk in to any branch to redeem the voucher. I did so and went to 1 utama branch. The service started with a polite consultation, before proceeding with the treatment. During the consultation, pictures of my sides and front face have been taken as reference to show

My Acne Skin & Skincare review (L'occitane and Herbaline)

I'm gonna give my short review on visit to Glo Laser Center at 1 utama. Before I talk about Glo Laser Center, let me story about me and my out break of acnes. My face used to be quite ok, in my opinion, and as you can see there is not much visible acnes or scars on my face in the picture below. That was in 2017. And as you can see one of my latest picture now in 2018: My flawed face. I think that condition started ever since I wanted to be more atas and bought skincare from l'occitane. It has been on my wishlist for long and I was waiting to finish up my old skincare range from the facial saloon before I get l'occitane. So it was the first skincare range I used after finishing the facial one and since then I think my skin has been quite susceptible to outbreaks. I have been using the Shea Butter range Foam cleanser , as well as getting the 25% Shea Butter Ultra Rich Comforting Cream . The foaming cleanser wasn't that drying as it has 5% she

When there are job satisfactions

Whadup! As for me, I feel great about the new job. Feel challenging, feel growth, and feel satisfaction... which are elements that I couldn't find in my previous job. I am so thankful and glad that I made this change, and I enjoy my free time and weekend even fuller and happier! Well if you are not same with me, I am one of those kinds who are born out of slavery destiny, and wish to just work work work my ass off before I think I deserve a rest. Besides, the rest time is sweeter for me when I had worked hard, as if I have earned the rest time well. Maybe all these elements at the same time will make me more tired, and eventually craving for the kind of mentally unchallenging job lol. Such is life. Such is human. To me, as long as I keep on changing, I am happy. :) Happily signing off, MH

Short review on Colmar Tropicale

A place good for a day trip with many possible nice photos taken, and expensive food and beverages. Can't review on the rooms as I didn't stay. Quite windy, chilly a little, but not too much, good place for a small walk and enjoying the scenery.  As a person who visited Europe before, when the weather was a bit colder it did give a bit of feeling of Europe and the pretty building designs do cheer you up a bit. Disappointed only on the choice of food and services available for such pretty themed resort where they charge you entrance for RM15. After that remember to drop by the  Japanese Village,  where you get to see the Japanese style of Zen Garden and landscaping but gets creepy when approaching evening as you can see that they are suites that closed down probably due to no business. Nevertheless the walk to bask in the nature was a good one. I recommend.

Kudos to all the employees

HELLLOOOO BLOG! After one month (almost) of lazing with a purpose and a target to look forward to, today it just suddenly crossed my mind that, when we chose to be as an employed person, it actually really needs courage from us to be able to do it well. This crossed my mind as I came across with people who are self-employed who are struggling but also unwilling to get his ass back to workforce. Well, I am not judging him, as this is definitely his choice. I had taken my courage and ability to adapt as granted when I just had it naturally previously throughout my course of working in different companies. I realised that the longer I stay in this comfort zone of lazing around, it may slowly go away. Like it just became something that I need to put great effort to do, and therefore, for those who are already unemployed for long, it actually takes courage for them to step out and find job and work under people again. (ok I sound like people have a choice where most of the people do


Came across this Fish-love term from a post shared by my sister, and I found it to be deeply intriguing: Rabbi Twerski announced that the trouble with today's marriages is that we only have "fish love" between us and our spouses. What's fish love? Consider this: A man is diving into his fish dinner with great gusto, thoroughly enjoying his heaping portion of succulent fresh fish. Another gentleman is watching from a distance, fascinated by the expressions of great delight coming from the eater. As he passes by, he mentions to the gentleman, "It seems like you are really enjoying that fish dinner." The gentleman replies enthusiastically, "I love fish!" In response, the other man says: "If you love fish so much, why did you allow this fish to be taken from the ocean and killed, just for your consumption?" Rabbi Twersky goes on to teach: "That man doesn't really love fish. He loves the way the fish makes him feel. He is really lo

Jared Leto

I have heard of his name as the Joker's actor but I didn't really go into him too much, or research about him (I was honestly thought that him as joker wasn't that natural - probably I compared to Heath Ledger's version, or the whole film was quite a crap) Norman (my colleague in Roche) mentioned about him earlier - few months ago when we were just randomly chatting. Then he mentioned that he acted in a very good film earlier, which I didn't pay enough attention to remember the film's name, but still, I couldn't be bothered as I wasn't that interested. lol. Then he too mentioned that he was in this band - 30 seconds to mars, where it rang a bell and it was familiar to me. But still, I remember I had an opinion that 30STM's songs aren't that great and mostly are those noisy rock, maybe just one or two that was good, from my high school memories and my bonding with my radio. Until after some time, Gavin chatted with me and shared a clip about

Heart or Brain

I have always been the brain person. Always. You can always see me telling people that your heart is stupid, and you shouldn't follow what it feels. I always tell people that to be realistic, and don't do things that will make you regret. Then something happened some time back, and I was exposed with the idea and experience of following your heart wholly. It was overwhelming to my poor little heart, and was crazy, but it was mind blowing - such experience. I think I have always been referred as the person who is very rationale, who is very matured and is above all (as in above those useless and irrational desires) when it comes to making decision. and I was damn proud about this fact of mine. So what is it about when you say you are a brain person? - for me, I just basically block all the kind of emotions and feelings that are possible to go through me. I will have detachment, I will try not to form attachment, I will just think of everything, all the time