Kudos to all the employees


After one month (almost) of lazing with a purpose and a target to look forward to, today it just suddenly crossed my mind that, when we chose to be as an employed person, it actually really needs courage from us to be able to do it well. This crossed my mind as I came across with people who are self-employed who are struggling but also unwilling to get his ass back to workforce. Well, I am not judging him, as this is definitely his choice.

I had taken my courage and ability to adapt as granted when I just had it naturally previously throughout my course of working in different companies. I realised that the longer I stay in this comfort zone of lazing around, it may slowly go away. Like it just became something that I need to put great effort to do, and therefore, for those who are already unemployed for long, it actually takes courage for them to step out and find job and work under people again. (ok I sound like people have a choice where most of the people don't. #firstworldproblem)

Anyway, all I wanted to say is that it definitely needs some courage and strength to be in the workforce category. Even though the people who you see around you mostly fall under the middle class working people, but given that if we have the choice to start a business on our own independently, it is actually extremely not easy to choose to be us. Probably even more difficult to be self-employed due to the stress but well, being at whichever side of the world only means struggling to survive.

Therefore some people would just strive and struggle with his own business and not considering wanting to be under the workforce because he just simply can't deal with the working-under-the-people and deal-with-office-politics stress. I mean man, it is real stress that will kill people and lead to mental health issues. Therefore, I just wish to write about how you should take pride of yourself as one of the people in the workforce, struggling to deal with many other people who feel the same as you, and get motivated only when you see the paycheck credited into your account, or a smile on the face of the people who you care about, when you are able to provide to them with your pay. But probably people will just stay alive and smile and nod to everyone you work with just to be happy to spend that amount of income to sustain your life. Man, oh no, this sounds like a vicious cycle.

While it may not be a long term solution to work under people or get a job that you have no single passion about, it is definitely a short and medium term fix, before you probably get the Eureka moment or just get the capital to start your own business. Otherwise, being employed would also be a long term fix too when you manage to see the value behind the job you do. If you don't, just stop messing around with your life with that job as you spend most of the time of your day on your job. But without seeing the value, you just seeing no meaning, and that gives you problem too.

Therefore, I just wish to urge every one to take pride of our strength and endurance to deal with all the nonsense, and believe that we definitely have more strength to get ourselves out if we do not enjoy what we are doing at this moment. But for certain group of people, they just enjoy their standard 9-5 job, and get paycheck every single month on a fixed time of the month, so that they can worry free after work is done and just face their family with their remaining time of the day. Even better, if they get respected at work, I don't see any reason for them to leave unless they have this big business idea that they really wish to invest their time on. Some people will stick through it because they think that "a job is only a job", well I have no question to that mindset if your priority is set on your family and not to yourself or your self-actualisation.

To me, if I were to start a business, I would definitely do something which I believe in, and not just simply anything that makes money.

If not, I believe that there is this "ideal job" in this world, that is not perfect, definitely, but with flaws that you are able to tolerate and the goods that keep you smiling and tell everyone that you basically just enjoy your job. And I hope to make my next job falls into that category. I must manage my stress and everything and to think lesser!

Good luck to me! - and sorry for my extremely crappy post due to long break from blogging.

Pictures taken from Colmar Tropicale. 

Short review on a separate post.

Good luck to myself and all those hard working employees out there with a single purpose - just to earn and get lived


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