Free Day

 What do you normally do on your super free day? 

I used to always fill with a gym session, and then reward myself with few rounds of mobile legends, occasionally some piano playing and short Japanese study time before I wind up my day.

Sounds productive? Or not? It feels stale after some time. No matter how much I try to make the most out of it.

Most of the Instagram stories will fill with people going out for brunch, having some hangout sessions with buddy, and not to ignore those big amount of people who don't constantly post what they do - not me of course. Occasionally you see some people doing super productive things on their off day, and for me that's what I had always wanted to achieve.

During MCO my off days always spent working, observing demands and pick up for any flight ticket, and look at any trend that I could derive from. Now I regret not keeping a daily journal. Man I think it is advisable to put down your daily life to a book where you can look back at in future. It will help you with the feeling of days and months just fly past just like that.

I had been taking a continuous day off since 2nd half of Wednesday (28 Oct), since 29th is a public holiday. It was supposed to be a lively weekend for people to do domestic travel before covid 2nd wave hits us. Just after we shared the same opinion of how well Malaysia is containing the spread of the virus, we need to eat back our words. As we can see people buying flight tickets on this long weekend, hoping to get a break out of the city probably. But everything is washed down to the drain for now.

Anyway, even though I was supposed to take consecutive day offs since Wed, everyone who knows me well would know that I was still working on Wed and Friday. Some parts of me just felt uneasy if the office is on and I wasn't there to play my part. Guess this is what they called - kuli live.

But generally, I think I had been improving from t
his bad habit, at least I try my best to refrain from work on real public holidays and weekends. Previously I had been also working during MCO on weekends, which led to burnout... I guess it's just not that worthy after all.

Yesterday went on to hunt for good Lan Zhou La mian. Obviously I failed. The beef here is not tender at all, and the noodles are not chewy. This is from Mee tarik Warisan Asli zzz

The company is in such a bad situation - bad is an understatement, I would say it's in a terrible horrible situation. No matter how much value we try to deliver to the company I feel weak when I imagine myself standing in front of the bigger issues that the co is actually facing. Besides, there are also macro issues (ie: the pandemic) that are affecting the whole environment which is basically out of our control, besides staying at home. I feel powerless to also keep on raising this issue to my boss when you know all they can say is to give them some more time.

Anyway, back to the free day topic. What most people honestly do on their free day? Nowadays we are so actively exposed to social media on what people are doing with their lives, you are lying if you don't receive any sort of influence from it. But that's not the point lol. I'm still trying to make the most out of my off and free day, except that yesterday I woke up at almost 3pm, most of the time I try to make my weekends feel as productive as possible. Some people just wanna laze around, for me I don't judge, but I find myself struggling to feel at ease if I just swiping the phone or play games or watching movies all the time.

And now here I am, reading and researching about stock trading via Rakuten. Guess that's the best I can do for now! Hopefully I have the next episode to talk about!


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