It's not easy

It's not easy for anyone to figure out what you should do especially during this economic downturn and covid times.

Fearful heart of getting infected, worried about infecting loved ones, or if anything happens to them, scared of losing jobs, scared of another lockdown that may kill the business, etc etc. These may be common feelings that are filling up most of the average people's hearts easily these days. You can almost fill it in the air around you, the vibes of people worrying about what can they do to this situation?

2020 is marching towards the mid of the final quarter, and soon in the blink of an eye, you will be welcoming 2021. 

Everyone's wishes for 2021 probably is only to go through these difficult times safely, and this pandemic to be over soon. Whether it's for a better job opportunity, or to travel, or to see the loved ones.

For us, it's easy to only see stories that are happening in front of us. For example, I'm working in an airline, it's easy for me to relate to the fear of people losing their jobs. It's easy for me to feel that they don't dare to demand much from the company not because they are contented, but because of their low expectation towards the company that the company is able to promise them anything. They also confused if they should be happy that they still have a job, or to voice out about the extra workload that they have due to the retrenchment of the other teammates and also due to this pandemic.

For some people, it may also be easy for them not able to see the negative side of this pandemic. Maybe they are YouTubers, they see extra views during these lockdown periods where the internet is the only companion and outlet that many can seek for. I can still see people queueing up every day outside the Louis Vuitton shop, probably those people who don't get to spend their money to travel, and they want to get something to feel more contented with life. No judgment passed here, these are their success stories where they are able to spend even during these difficult times. 

I'm not sure what the point I wanted to talk about for now. To me to be honest, it's a very tough time. I have extra workload due to this pandemic, I have gotten a pay cut, and my increment is not in any priority list as the company's priority is on survival now. I feel satisfied with the jobs that I'm doing, but I'm not satisfied with the compensation that I'm getting. And the next thing, you will question yourself if you are simply being impatient, not grateful, or what?

Tell me honestly, what can we do during these times? I don't have extra to spend, I don't see my savings piling up, I don't see my situation improving. I don't feel that my soul is filled. I feel stagnant and at many times feel like giving up on life. The worst thing is your boss actually acknowledges what you do but you can't ask for more due to the current situation. Or I'm not being aggressive enough? or what?

For now, I honestly only can give a pat to everyone's back, and the only thing that I can tell everyone including myself to have more patience in life. The light may not come today or tomorrow, but I guess we need to persevere through the dark clouds. Always be 200% during these covid times.


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