Movement Control Order (MCO) 2020 - Quarantine diaries

17 Mar 20 - 14 Apr 20

Almost a month of lockdown and we are at 29 mar 20 now.

Secretly, I wished that this would be extended because of the introvert in me is taking over. Partially I miss going out and making myself presentable to the world. Another part of me enjoy the productivity that I have at home, and also the time I never able to get to spend with my loved one if this lock down never happen. Never in our relationship that we are spending time in a same space for such a continuous period of time except for traveling. If I would need to work, there won't be a single chance for me to get to spend time with him, though I also enjoyed the separation most of the time. lol sorry I'm contradicting but I just find it as a different experience.

It starts to be my comfort zone already. Even though having a single laptop screen slightly kills my productivity but all were managed well. I didn't need to walk far to reach my needs, the only risk is unable to differentiate between home space and office space now. Glad that I have the small room to be as my temporary office though. Escaping from there means that I get to take a short break.

As I don't have kids, working at home doesn't give me much distractions. However all these are accompanied by one after another video conference call etc. Most of my hours were really spent sitting in front of the laptop and manage my flight from the tiny screen. Communications were typed rather I get to walk to the person to talk about that, but it become so convenient because I have all the excuse not to talk to a person physically because the only way is to only through instant chat. When I was in the office, I always have this social anxiety srtuggles when I need to talk to people physically to ask something or to communicate on something. Tsk tsk Mei Hong. It worsens over year and this MCO become the perfect reason to escape haha.

Anyhow, apart of this total change of working environment and situation, our lifestyle has also become very, very minimal. Just to step back and think about it.

No one among our social circles are going out anymore. No shops are opened. No events. No gathering. No activities. Nowhere to go. Nothing to see, nothing to compare, but only few of the limited stay home activities. Life has never feel so refreshing before suddenly. Of course this is a bad thing to the economy, because even for a spendthrift like me I totally don't feel like spending a single penny on unnecessary shopping for now. Although I do feel like getting online shopping from time to time but these difficult times only to remind myself to save more first for the rainy days instead of spending them. Everyday deep down inside I still pray for another 14 days lockdown after 14 Apr. lol I don't know why. It's a fresh perspective of life and what are the minimal things that you need to run your live. To survive.

No longer people posting about going to luxury vacations, on their spendings on stuffs etc. Social media has never been such refreshing before tbh. People who have been comparing can finally take a break from feeling inferior or superior to other people. Everyone posting on their home cooked foods now, some on their thoughts, and probably some fitness stuffs etc. All these made me rethink that I require so little for my life to run perfectly. All those things I crave or I spend or I do before this lockdown probably are not really that needed after all.

My life has become slightly calmer without external intervention or judgement, maybe it is only me, that I don't want so much public attention on my life and the things I do, because I am always very tired of explaining or justifying every single thing I do. This period gives me more time to focus on myself more too, my own development, and also rethink on my mortality. Everyday I have been working so hard and tirelessly without having the chance to take a breathe and think about myself except for weekends. No more even time to commute to and from work where I can zone out slightly. I seriously salute those people who have kids running around for a month and also sustaining your job performance.

Well, I lost my main point I guess. I think what I wanted to say is, this whole period is refreshing. However at the same time this is addictive and I'm not too sure if this is even healthy. When something feels good your brain will generally addicted to it, and I don't like that it will be difficult for me to get out the house once this period is over. Where the always energy-filled MH went to. Probably lost somewhere int he dark woods. Point is, I'm not sure if this is all bad? Or it is fine.


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