Life is Fragile

My mum said, “Life is fragile, it is only few breaths away. When someone covers your mouth and doesn’t let you breathe for a minute and so, you will lose your breath and die.”

Nothing is certain in this world. While we busy chasing for fame, success, money, reputation, etc, do you feel certainly happy with your life? 

Are those comparisons in social media, ie: someone’s life seems better than yours, someone’s body is better than yours, relationship goals, all those yolo hash tags; someone get their house at age of 25, someone’s job better than yours, someone traveling to where n where .., really matters that much? Why do you let yourself wasting life feeling inferior comparing to these people?

My beloved family member is ill. This was what we learn from this round of going back to Ipoh. Feel very shocked and horrified with the thought of she will be more ill if things are going wrong. Feel like I didn’t do enough. Whatever I may try to do, at this point, it doesn’t mean anything anymore. 

Do I wish that she recovers soon? If she is diagnosed with terminal illness I only pray that she has less suffering. That’s all I pray of. As human we undergo 生老病死, (birth, getting old, getting sick, and death), all these unavoidable elements if we are reborn as human. We are only given the wisdom to love more and decide on our every single action as a human, what do we want to do in this given life. Do you really wanna spend your whole life chasing what you see at the surface level? For me, those things matter less as of now. Of course I won’t impose my thoughts on you or judge you if you decide to do so. Anyway , I never meant that we all should stop trying to improve our lives, or stop trying to do whatever better for the society to run in a good way, or it is a sin to want to improve your own lifestyle. Just try your best, but it’s ok if you never be as rich as Bill Gates, as talented and famous as Taylor Swift or even as “successful” as your peer, or your life seems to be “less fun”. It’s a whole mindset thing. In fact you must know that most people live a pretty average life in this world. Get less affected by what you perceive people’s lives as, mostly just as normal and mundane as yours. Just use your time to do something you enjoy doing, or try to enjoy the things that you are doing. That will make it more interesting.

Sickness is unavoidable and I wouldn’t wish to run away from the problem if it is already so obvious. We can only choose to face it as part and parcel of life and accept it and hope for less suffering to her.

Hope all is good. 


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