
I remember I had a mock interview as an assessment back in college time, and when being asked what do I wanna achieve in life, I answered a very general and shallow answer, that I wanted to be successful.

So I remember very clearly that the lecturer asked me, so what do you define as success?

and I answered with some crappy fifth grader answer, that I wanted to be able to go wherever I want, to be able to travel or work overseas. A big LOL whenever I think back.

So the lecturer just nodded and moved on to another question. Guess he able to tell that this student's brain isn't prepared for the deep philosophical discussion about what is the definition of success.

Fast forward to 7 years later til today, this question still lies in my head. I guess I haven't got the answer yet, or a truthful answer.

So if you are reading this, this post is for you to ask yourself. What do you define as success? ;)

I may get mine answer when the time's right. When the inspiration is there. When the light bulb moment is just there right above your head.

Well, another thing is that, I don't think that this should be a fixed answer though. Your definition of success can change from time to time, right? But IMO it shouldn't be changing that frequent that you change your definition every fortnight, lol.

Be mindful also the difference between SUCCESS and your vision/goal/what do you want. I guess they all are different.

It's second half of year 2019 now. Aunt is undergoing chemotheraphy, mum had her knees surgery done. Me? Probably just screwed up more things at work. *face palm



  1. Yo. Pepp here. How is you and family? Where are you about? Hope everything is safe around u.


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